Case Details
Dr. Albert Fleury of Chevy Chase, MD reversed this woman’s flat chest with breast implants. This woman has been embarrassed of her chest; she felt insecure about her appearance. She consulted with Dr. Fleury to discuss her options about gaining a bigger cup size. Together they decided that a breast augmentation would be best for this 5’5″, 120 lbs. woman. Dr. Fleury informed her that he would use round, smooth, saline breast implants; he overfilled the 330cc breast implants with 360cc and inserted them through an inframammary incision. This 33-year-old patient was more than satisfied with the results. This procedure brought her from an A cup to a C cup. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Fleury did an amazing job with this breast augmentation as the before & after photos show 5 months post-operation.



