Breast Reconstruction Surgery

breast reconstruction mastectomyOne of the fastest growing uses for breast implants in addition to breast augmentation is in breast reconstruction procedures such as mastectomy or correction of breast asymmetry. We have put together this resource center for you to learn how breast implants can help to restore your beauty and self confidence.

Breast Reconstruction Advances

There are many reasons why you might need breast reconstruction surgery. Breast cancer and post mastectomy reconstruction are the most common, but others include things like genetic defects and asymmetrical breast size. The good news is that breast reconstruction surgery has come a long way in the last 10 years. Women now have options available to them that didn’t exist previously. Some of these options are truly wonderful in the sense that they will give you a perfect, pert figure forever AND minimize your change of getting breast cancer.

Skin & Nipple Sparing Mastectomy Basics

Skin and nipple sparing mastectomy is a relatively new procedure performed by your breast surgeon in conjunction with your plastic surgeon. This form of mastectomy preserves your skin and nipple/areola complex using immediate breast reconstruction with breast implants. Studies show that this procedure helps you avoid lumpectomy, radiation and anti-estrogen drug treatment yet yields comparable results. Read more about: Skin and Nipple Sparing Mastectomy Basics

What if You Are Not a Candidate for Skin & Nipple Sparing Mastectomy

If your breast surgeon recommends a modified radical mastectomy or other procedure that prevents saving your skin and nipple, you still have options. Here, we’ll take you from wondering to feeling wonderful – with information, pointers and tips to help you get from before and during (to after) breast reconstruction surgery with dignity, confidence and grace.

Options for BRCA Positive Women

While you may have tested positive for BRCA1, BRCA2 or related breast cancer genes, there’s no need to be disheartened. In fact, you have every reason to be hopeful. You’re in the unique position to manage your relationship with breast cancer and, possibly, avoid it altogether – through mastectomy and breast implants reconstruction surgery and other means. The most important thing is that you educate yourself on your options, speak with professionals who can help you, and formulate a plan for success that you are comfortable with.

Read the entire article here:  BRCA Positive Results: Know Your Options

True Breast Conservation With Skin & Nipple Sparing Mastectomy

If you’ve been diagnosed with Stage I or Stage II breast cancers, which are not fixed to the skin or muscle, you’re no longer relegated to thinking that lumpectomy combined with radiation treatment is your only option for breast conservation. Skin and nipple sparing mastectomy followed by immediate implant-based breast reconstruction:

  • Provides more aesthetically-pleasing results
  • Eliminates the need for anti-hormone therapy
  • Is easier to complete, being an all-in-one procedure
  • Offers shorter recovery times than multi-stage reconstruction

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