Case Details
This is excerpted from Lilli’s story. Click the link below to read her whole story!
I am a 27-year-old stay at home mother of two. I have been blessed with two children, a three-year-old boy and a three-month-old girl. My husband and I have been very happily married now for 7 ½ years and everything just seems to be going our way. The reason I wanted you to know these things about me was so you understand that I have a wonderful life, which is very fulfilling. I am not getting a breast augmentation because I am insecure, ugly or feel that I need them to succeed in life. My main reason for wanting a BA is the same as most women and that is because I want to feel my body is incomplete. I’m SICK of padded bras & swimsuits and not being able to wear any fashion designs I want! I want to feel and look sexy for my husband. This may sound frivolous to some people, but not to me and that is all that matters.





