Case Details
Height: 5’2″
Weight: 113
Pre-op cup size: 32 A
Post-op cup size: 32 DD
Implants: Mentor, smooth, round implants
Size and fill: 325 implants filled to 350 cc’s
Placement: subpectoral
Incision: crease
Pictures were taken before, and 6 months post op.
Notes: I am currently having problems with both muscle pockets being too low. (notice the lack of upper fullness/slope). Also, the left pocket is noticeably larger to the outer edge. The implant slides past my armpit when I lay down. I will be discussing raising the crease and pocket revision at my next appointment in March. I also wanted to add that the amount of cc’s used to fill depends alot on the body frame. For example, I am very petite, and need alot less to achieve a size that someone with a larger frame would require (this seems to be very confusing to alot of women). Check back for updates soon.



