Case Details
At 2 months, my right breast is much smaller than my left (the left breast measured 10 inches from one side to the next, while the right one measured 8 inches) so I had close to 200cc more saline added to that breast. The saline was added in the doctors office with a local. He reopened part of the areola incision, and the recovery was easy.
I had a breast augmentation with a breast lift. Here are my stats:
Age: 34, white, 2 kids, 1 breastfed
Height: 5’3
Weight: 128
Size: I went from an A cup to a D cup
Mentor High Profile
Implant Fill: Saline
Fill: Left breast 600cc Right breast 660cc
Implant Profile: High Profile
Implant Surface: Smooth
Implant Placement: Under the muscle
Incision: Vertical Lift Incision / Lollipop
Comments: As you will see, I had two totally different breasts. The left breast was a B cup, droopy, and had a large areola. The right breast was an A cup, perky, and a cute nipple. Dr. Rifley decided I needed a lollipop lift on the left breast in order to make it more symmetrical with the right breast. I am showing these pictures because I wanted others that have severe asymmetrical breasts to have hope! I am only 10 days post-op, and feel absolutely wonderful. At my doctor visit yesterday, I was instructed to purchase an under wire bra. I have to make the left side of the bra strap as tight as I can, to help lift the breast and keep it in line with the right breast (it acts as a prosthesis). Because I had so much more tissue in the left breast, it will fill quicker than the right one. I have been instructed to leave the right breast strap normal. At my next week appointment I will begin exercises and my road to the beautiful breasts I have always wanted. I used to be embarrassed about my breasts, and never wore a shirt without a bra because of the terrible asymmetry. I hope that I can keep updating as I go along, so you can all see the final result as I still have bandages covering my surgical scars. Thanks for reading my story!
Thank you Nicole for this site, it has been a blessing and was my bible for weeks before I finally took the plunge!








