Case Details
Age: 25
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 130
Bra/Cup Size Before and After Surgery: 34C to 34D
Procedure: Implant Exchange after deflation of left implant
Implant Brand: Mentor
Implant Size: 350cc replaced with 600cc
Implant Surface: Smooth
Implant Fill: Saline
Implant Shape: Round
Incision: Infamammary
Placement: Submuscular
Number of months postop photos taken: 3
Comment: Initial surgery performed elsewhere
Plastic Surgeon Dr. Donald Revis of Fort Lauderdale, FL was contacted by a 25 year old patient who was looking for options to enhance her current breast size. Dr. Revis set up an appointment with the young woman and had a consultation with her to discuss the best course of action. Dr. Revis recommended a breast augmentation to increase the 25 year old woman’s breast size. Dr. Revis used 350cc saline breast implants with a Infamammary incision, placing the breast implants under the muscle. The surgery was a success and now the woman is very happy with her new breasts.



