Case Details
Age : 33yrs
Height: 5 foot 5′
Weight: 120lbs
First breast augmentation: Saline breast implants, round, unders, 210cc
Second breast augmentation: 310cc, cohesive gel anatomical breast implants, overs
Rib cage: 31′
Pre breast augmentation size: 34A
First breast augmentation size: 34C (8′)
2nd breast augmentation size: 34C+(8.5′)
1st breast augmentation July 01 – 210cc round saline breast implants under muscle o/f 230cc Problems with rippling of the breast implant, not visible but definitely can feel them, also didn’t like the distortion when Pec muscles were used.
2nd breast augmentation Feb 02 – 310cc anatomical cohesive gel breast implants over the muscle Seemed great at first, loved the fact that I couldn’t even feel where the breast implant started. But had more upper fullness than expected with anatomical. By September left breast got firmer and was found they had rotated in the first week or so after breast augmentation but fluid was not building up around breast implant making it firm and more noticeable.
FINAL BREAST AUGMENTATION (I Nov 02 plastic surgeon put me back in and fixed the placement of implant. Was evident as soon as bandages came off on day 3 that they were not right the first time..this time they look amazing, have a perfect slope already on breast. I took the pics that I sent to Nicole on day 6 after the redo, since then they have gone down a fraction in size as swelling subsided and now look even better. Very natural and soft. I FINALLY couldn’t be happier. Even with the hiccup, still do not regret anatomical breast implant, there is no way I could be looking this natural with round breast implants at this stage.










