Case Details
I had a breast augmentation. Here are my stats:
Age: 39
Children: 2, breastfed
Height: 5’8″
Weight: 164 lbs.
Size: I went from an A cup to a D cup
Implant Manufacturer: Inamed / Allergan (for merly McGhan)
Implant Fill: Silicone
Implant Size: 340 cc’s
Implant Profile: High Profile
Implant Surface: Textured
Implant Placement: Above the muscle
Incision: Crease (inframammary)
Comments: I had my BA a week ago my immediate feelings post-op were that the implants were heavy and my skin was really tight and shiny with lots of prominent veins. first 3 days of recovery felt painful and very tight in upper arms especially getting out of bed in the morning. 4-7 days post-op feel great muscles seem more relaxed and i dont need the painkillers – some tightness but they are softer to touch already. I didn’t think recovery would be this quick!





