Case Details
I had a breast augmentation. Here are my stats:
Age: 23
Race/Color: Caucasian
Children: None
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 104 lbs.
Size: I went from an AA cup to a B cup
Implant Manufacturer: Mentor
Implant Fill: Silicone
Implant Size: 310 cc’s
Implant Shape: Round
Incision: Crease (inframammary)
Comments: I was between AA-A cup and was tired of wearing padded bras and limiting the clothes I could wear. I found this website which I thought was fantastic as it detailed real experiences, not just doctors comments and expertise. I met with my doctor who was fantastic. I requested to go to a large B/small C. My main worry was that I would be too big where I would be self conscious and it might look out of proportion. I didn’t want to go to being noticeable, just normal. My doctor gave me an implant to try in my bra which was 290cc but I thought that it looked a little too small. I also mentioned to him that a lot of people walk away saying they wish they had gone bigger. When you’re paying AU$9000 you want it to be exactly what you want. My doctor said that for that reason he usually orders an extra 10-20cc’s in the implant.
I then went home and tried the rice test and liked 320cc so made another appointment with him. There was a show on TV not long after which showed a young woman who had 290cc’s. So again I was worried that maybe I might be going too big. So I made yet another appointment with him and he suggested 310cc’s, which was back to the original size!
I was a little nervous prior to my surgery only because I had never had any kind of surgery before. But 3 days prior I was getting excited. On the day I wasn’t nervous at all. I think I was more hungry as I had to fast from 7am and I didn’t go in til 4pm. I got changed and was moved to another waiting room where I fell asleep for a bit to help the time pass. I met with the anesthetist who was very friendly. I was told the operation would take an hour, I’d then sleep for another 1/2hr then once awake, move to the day room. I felt fine as soon as I awoke. Still hungry though! I was given some painkillers and took 2 that night to sleep through the night. I felt no pain but my chest did feel very tight and stretched. I had adhesive bandages and dissolvable stitches.
I’ve taken 2 ½ wks off from work. Week 1 I stayed at home and did nothing (as I couldn’t drive til about day 6). I had a lot of trouble laying down and getting up. It felt like I was stretching one of the stitches. That was the only real pain I’ve had so far. Apart from the first night, I slept sitting upright on the couch with pillows behind and an ottoman for my feet. I had to kneel in the bath as I couldn’t use my arms to lift myself up and someone else had to wash my hair for me.
I had my bandages taken off a week after my surgery and they replaced the tape where my incision was and I was told to keep that on for a couple more days. I went home and had a proper shower which I had been dying for! I also had to get all the gunk from the bandages off too which took forever. I don’t like the feel of them at all. I went and bought a bra that day which I need to wear day and night for the next 2 weeks. When I put the bra on, I noticed that my left breast seems to be more to the left than normal. But I am really happy with the size. I go back to my doctor next week for a checkup.








