Case Details
I have had 2 BA’s over the past 5.5 years. The first one was done in February 1998 and the second one was done just a couple weeks ago on October 2, 2003.
Age: 28
Height: 5’2″
Weight: 115 lbs.
Children: 1 (breastfed 3 weeks)
Pre-op: 34 A/B
Post-op: 36 D
1st Surgery: Round Saline Submuscluar filled to 250cc’s~ L and 275cc’s~ R (Feb 1998)
2nd Surgery: McGhan Round Saline Submuscular 480’s filled to 500cc’s~L and 510cc’s~ R (Oct 2003)
I had significant breast tissue loss from pregnancy, one side was a complete size bigger than the other. For my first BA I had a Beneli lift on the left breast and implants put in both breasts. After the first BA I was a full 34C cup.
Over the next few years, I begain to get involved in weight lifting and fitness training. I lost about 10lbs and about 15% body fat. Due to this loss, I lost a significant amount of breast volume and went from a full 34C cup down to a full 34B cup.
In the photos above, you can see my PRE 1st BA , then AFTER 1st BA AND PRE 2nd BA and AFTER 2nd BA. You can see the noticeable difference in the After 1st BA and pre 2nd BA. No changes had been made other than fitness and weightlifting and body fat loss.
I am a full 36D cup now and VERY happy!!










