Case Details
Age: 32
Race/Color: Caucasian
Children: 3, none breastfed
Height: 5’7″
Weight: 129 lbs.
Size: I went from an A cup to a D cup
Implant Manufacturer: Mentor
Breast Implant Fill: Saline
Breast Implant Size: 270 cc’s, filled to 335 cc’s
Breast Implant Profile: High Profile
Breast Implant Shape: Round
Breast Implant Surface: Smooth
Breast Implant Placement: Under the muscle
Incision: Crease (inframammary)
Other Procedures:Liposuction
I found my plastic surgeon on ImplantInfo by Nicole I would recommend my plastic surgeon to others.
After three long years of research and some apprehension, I had my BA and lipo on my tummy, inner/outer thighs, and hips in the good old state of IN. I wish I had done this sooo much sooner! I feel better about myself and finally feel like a woman. I had a 32 A and now measure a 32 DD or 34 D. I was apprehensive about the fill wanting more but my plastic surgeon said he would not go bigger due to my small measurements and would take me as close to my desired full C/ baby D that he could get me without causing any risk factors. I trusted him to do right by me and left it up to him. My plastic surgeon gave me 270 o/f 335 HP saline unders. Boy does that high profile implant make a difference!!! The pictures don’t even do these justice. Unlike what the pic shows, in person, I did not have any “collar bone boob” and they looked beautiful just hours after surgery! ( I think maybe the camera casts shadows or something). I have had absolutely NO bruising and no complications with the BA results. I am only 3 weeks out now and the crease scar is barely visible already; it is so light and flat it’s amazing!!
As far as the lipo goes, I am pleased with my hip area and thighs but still waiting for my tummy skin to adhere to my muscle so right now it is kind of not attached to anything and I did not expect this look but know it will pass. I got lipo to smooth out a couple areas I never liked even though I have always been very trim (despite 3 fat babies)! LOL I think my plastic surgeon is a true artist and I may be biased but truly believe I am his best work of art thus far!! I think he is a wonderful, honest, ethical plastic surgeon and would recommend him to my best friends!! I have already recommended him.







