Case Details
I had a breast augmentation. Here are my stats:
Age: 30, 2 kids, both breastfed for a year
Height: 5′, 3″
Weight: 120
Size: I went from an AA cup to a C cup
Implants: Mentor
Implant Fill: Saline 300 cc’s filled to right-340 cc’s, left-350 cc’s
Implant Surface: Smooth
Implant Shape: Round
Implant Profile: Regular
Incision: Crease (inframammary)
Comments: Even before I had children, I always had very small breasts. I did, at one time, buy a B-cup bra, but it was just wishful thinking! It was too big. After breast-feeding my boys for a year each, even an A-cup bra was too big. I wore “water” bras and stick-on breast inserts most days.
The first time my husband and I talked seriously about breast augmentation was after I weaned my first child. I would look in the mirror and cry. I had what looked to me like empty pockets of skin with saggy nipples! We had baby #2, I breast fed again (and got to enjoy fuller breasts again), then I began seriously thinking about augmentation again.
Luckily, I have a very close friend who is a nurse and works part-time in the OR for a plastic surgeon. One night when we were out to dinner together, I started asking her a million questions. For the first time, I realized that this was something that I really wanted to do! Later that month, I had my first consult with Dr. Sutton Graham at the Aesthetic Center in Greenville, SC.
I was very impressed with Dr. Graham and his staff. He said that I was a “good” candidate since I had breast fed (which meant my skin had stretched out twice and I knew what I looked like with larger breasts). I left that day sure that I wanted to have implants! But, then the holidays came, my work hours increased, etc, etc. So, 6 months went by before I actually had the surgery.
Leading up to the day of my surgery, I was very picky about who I told about it. I work for a national weight loss company and I wanted to be very careful that my members, who look up to me and pay close attention to my body, didn’t know that I was having breast augmentation. I worried that they would lose some respect for me knowing that I was having plastic surgery. So, I took a week off saying that I was taking my kids to stay with my mom for a week. And, for the month leading up to my surgery, I was careful about what I wore to work and I wore the breast inserts every day.
I was nervous for a few days before the surgery, but the day of, I was so excited! I got to the surgery center, put on my gown and “ted hose,” got my IV and I don’t remember another thing until I woke up! It was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. I took the prescription pain medication for the first day, but by day 2 I was only taking Tylenol. It is day 4 now and I haven’t had to take any pain medication at all! I am sore, but nothing like I thought I would be.
I am so glad I went through with my surgery! I cannot wait to see what my new boobs will look like in the weeks to come. I love the size now, but I will be glad when they no longer start at my collar bones!
I would highly recommend my plastic surgeon and his staff! My friend, who was my nurse during surgery, says that he is so meticulous about taking care of the patient, making sure everything is sterile, and assuring that the implants are even, that it is annoying to her as his nurse. But, she admits that it’s great for the patient!
I’ll update my pictures and add to my story as the next few weeks/months go by. Good luck to all of you ladies out there who are either contemplating BA or who are awaiting your surgery date!
UPDATE: I am day 13 post-surgery now and have been healing well. One week ago, 6 days post-surgery, I had my first post-op check-up. Dr. Graham was pleased with my progress and he told me what to expect over the next month. He said that the implants will continue to drop into place so that there will be more fullness below my nipples, and my breasts will project a little more forward. I told him that I am happy now, but I will be thrilled in about a month!
I have not had any pain at all this week. I have gotten back to a somewhat normal schedule of taking care of my children (ages 3 1/2 and 20-months) by myself and I’m back to my part-time job. I have not exercised yet because Dr. Graham told me to wait 3 weeks post-op. Other than getting tired easily, I feel good this week!
Oh, yeah! For those of you out there who are worried that people will look at you and say, “boob-job!,” I have been around a lot of people this week who do not know I had breast augmentation, and no one has said anything. I thought I would feel funny at first (kind of like you do when you get a new hair cut), but I haven’t at all! I feel like my clothes fit me well now and I look better proportioned. My body image has already improved!







