5. Breast Implant Profile / Projection
- Moderate Profile (regular / standard)
- High Profile
- Low Profile
- Moderate “PLUS” Profile
Until recently, most patients never discussed breast implant profile with their plastic surgeons. If you chose a certain size breast implant, you would receive a predetermined amount of forward projection from that size implant. Now, you can choose a breast implant size and, if you like, have that size implant stick out more or less than the base diameter would usually dictate. Note the different heights below.
For a woman with a very narrow frame, a moderate profile breast implant or low profile breast implant that might result in a desired size, may be too wide and carry the implant too far to the cleavage and underarm. By using a high profile implant, this patient can get the larger implant she desires with an implant that will not be too wide for her narrow frame. By the same token, a wide framed patient may find that to adequately cover the natural diameter of her breast size, the desired breast implant would have far too much projection. A low or moderate profile breast implant might work better. Your plastic surgeon can help you choose.

High Profile Implants
These breast implants have more projection per measurement of base diameter than a moderate profile breast implant. An added benefit of the high profile breast augmentation is that in order to create the profile, the side wall of the implant has more height, which may reduce visible rippling. These high profile breast implants will provide more anterior projection (front projection).
Moderate Profile (regular / standard)
These are the standard, creating a 'normal' profile. With a full and rounded look, this moderate profile breast implant adds a significant amount of dimension and volume to a woman's breast. This could create a wider chest appearance, which would benefit those with a narrow chest.
Low Profile Implants These breast implants have less projection per measurement of base diameter than a moderate profile breast implant.
Moderate Plus Profile
Mentor's breast implant line (both saline and silicone breast implants) also includes this profile which is between moderate and high profile breast implants.
Breast Implants: The Full Roadmap
1. Breast Implant Fill - Saline or silicone?
- Saline
- Silicone
- History & Controversy
- Studies about Silicone Gel Breast Implants
- Who Qualifies for Silicone Breast Implants
- Cohesive Gel and Gummy Bear Silicone Breast Implants
2. Breast Implant Size - How do I choose the right size?
- Methods of determining ideal breast implant size choice
- Using Nicole's photo gallery to help choose size
- Choosing from breast implant manufacturer specifications
- Choosing Breast Implant Shape and Profile
- Breast Implant Shapes: Round vs. Anatomical (teardrop/contoured/shaped)
- Breast Implant Profile: Low, Moderate, High
- Textured Surface Breast Implants
- Smooth Surface Breast Implants
- Moderate profile breast implants (regular/standard)
- High profile breast implants
- Low profile breast implants
- Moderate "PLUS" profile breast implants