Local Anesthesia Information for Breast Augmentation
Local anesthesia involves minimizing or eliminating pain in one specific area of the body. The use of novocaine when having work done on your teeth is an example of local anesthesia. The medication is typically injected after the surface of the area is cleaned and, in many cases, numbed in advance of the injection itself. The injection causes a minor pinch, typically followed by a very short burning sensation .
Local anesthetics are fast acting but do not last very long. If applied properly and in sufficient amounts, they will block any painful sensation in the affected area, although you may feel pressure or other sensations (pulling, pressing) in that location.
Side effetcs are generally mild, although allergic reactions are possible. Any allergic reaction can cause skin irritation, swelling, temporary breathing problems and, in very unusual instances, seizure or an irregular heartbeat, if medication is improperly injected. For most cosmetic surgery, local anesthetics will not be administered until after your general or twilight anesthesia takes effect.
Doctors sometimes use regional anesthesia, which, like local, does not knock you out, but provides numbing to an area, such as an epidural during childbirth. You are awake, but the pain is blocked from a region of your body, rather than just one localized area.