Saline Breast Implants vs. Silicone Breast Implants
Conclusion of Breast Implant Comparison
Reviewed by Donald Revis, M.D., F.A.C.S.
There isn’t a general right answer as to whether silicone breast implants or saline breast implants are better. However, there may be a right answer for you. For example, if you have very little natural breast tissue and are concerned about rippling then silicone might be right for you. By contrast, if you have ample natural breast tissue and are worried about being able to detect implant ruptures, saline may be a better choice for you. That is why you should consult with your plastic surgeon about all these issues and make the best choice for you!
Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants - Quick Topic Navigation
- Introduction
- Brief Breast Implant History
- Saline Filled Breast Implants
- Silicone Gel Breast Implants
- Conclusion (you are here)