M’s Story

Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation Stories from our Visitors

If you have already read Nicole's Story, you have a pretty good idea what this section of the website is all about. After several women emailed their breast augmentation stories to us, we thought it would be great to have women share their full-length recovery stories after their breast implant surgeries for everyone's benefit. Thankfully, many women have contributed, some in more detail than others.

Here are the stories of our visitors. Many names have been changed for privacy. Where appropriate, there is detail in parentheses so you can decide if you are interested. Click on a name to read.

Best Investment Ever Made

I have been wanting bigger breasts forever. After I had three children, and breastfed the last, my breasts were nearly gone. So I told my husband it was time.

My husband was great and very supportive. We met with the doctor and he answered all our questions. He was very professional. And we set up my appointment for a week later.

Day of surgery: I went in at 8:30 and was prepped, asked questions, signed forms. I was given sedation through an IV so I don't remember seeing the doctor. Next thing I knew, I had boobs and was somewhat awake.

I felt minimal pain. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. I was given antibiotics (just in case), Vicodin and Valium. I was pretty groggy all day of surgery. The rest of the week I was just tired.

I have experienced minimal pain. I have been able to resume regular duties, and should actually probably be resting more!

I feel so much better about myself after the surgery. My clothes fit me better, I look better, I feel sexier, and it is a good feeling to see my husband enjoying them also. Best investment ever!

Age: 31
Race/Color: Hispanic / Latino
Children: 3, 1 breastfed
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Size: I went from an A cup to a C cup
Implant Manufacturer: Mentor
Implant Fill: Saline
Implant Size: 395 cc's
Implant Shape: Round
Implant Surface: Smooth
Implant Placement: Under the muscle
Incision: Areola

- M

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