Mia’s Story

Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation Stories from our Visitors

If you have already read Nicole's Story, you have a pretty good idea what this section of the website is all about. After several women emailed their breast augmentation stories to us, we thought it would be great to have women share their full-length recovery stories after their breast implant surgeries for everyone's benefit. Thankfully, many women have contributed, some in more detail than others.

Here are the stories of our visitors. Many names have been changed for privacy. Where appropriate, there is detail in parentheses so you can decide if you are interested. Click on a name to read.

Mia's True Life Journal

My plastic surgeon was Dr. Thomas M. DeWire
March 15th - True Life Journal #10 - Mia's JournalMia is having a breast augmentation on March 12th. Mia's surgeon is Thomas M. DeWire, Sr., M.D. of Richmond, Virginia.


Mia -- Tuesday, 9 March, at 11:51 a.m.

Let me begin by giving a little background about myself. I am 25 years old, 5'6, 128 lbs, single, and no children. I have been unhappy with my breast size (32A) since I was about 13 (when everyone got them except me), but I was afraid of the complications that might come with them. Around New Years, I decided that one of my resolutions would be to stop being afraid of everything. So I jumped on the internet to begin my research and found Nicole's site (which I quickly became addicted to, often spending 10-12 hrs a day on it). I kept hearing about Dr. DeWire in Richmond, VA (only 2 hrs away) so I decided to make an appt for a consultation. The 1st available date for a consult was March 11 (keep in mind this was early Jan.), and I knew if I waited until 3/11 to schedule surgery it would be another two months at least. So I made both appts, consult 3/11 and ba 3/12 (had to put down $1000 to hold the date).

They sent me a lab prescription for a CBC (whatever that is) and some instructions on what and what not to do. Then it was just time to sit and wait...for the next 8 weeks.

1 week to go
Mia -- Tuesday, 9 March, at 12:16 p.m.

Only a week left and it seems like it took forever. I started having some reservations about 2 weeks ago, but I spoke with my father and he gave me a lot of encouragement and support (he's such a wonderful man) and I'm back on track. I've made my hotel arrangements, I'll be going to Richmond Thursday morning and coming back on Sunday. The Docs have been paid (has to be paid in full two weeks before surgery), so I'm all set. I don't know how many cc's I'm going with, but I would like to be a full C. I'm not sure that I have enough breast tissue though and I don't want them to look "fake". I'll let Dr. DeWire decide, I hear he's pretty good at that.

Pre-op (1 day to go)
Mia -- Saturday, 13 March, at 3:00 p.m.

I'm in Richmond now and I don't have my computer, so the dates may be a little off. I just got back from meeting with Dr. DeWire, he really seems like a great guy. He's very thorough, honest and straight-forward, yet extremely personable (flirtatious at times) and has a great sense of humor. I told him that I would like to be a C cup and he said he would do his best. He thought he would go with about 275 cc's. The consult lasted about an hour, he talked about all of the risks, size, build, and answered all of my questions. Lastly, he gave me my prescriptions and I went back to the hotel. My surgery is at 9 am, hopefully everything wil go well.

The Big Day!
Mia -- Saturday, 13 March, at 3:52 p.m.

Surgery was scheduled this morning about 9:15, I arrived around 8:20, but didn't have to wait long. The nurse brought me back to the room gave me one of those beautiful gowns and matching hats and gave me a warm blanket, then she asked me some questions, made me take a pregnancy test, and then put the IV in my arm. Dr. DeWire came in right after that, he drew a couple of lines on me and made a few jokes.:o) When he left the anesthesiologist came in and asked me some more questions and explained exactly what was going to happen. Lastly the nurse came back in and walked me back to the OR. I laid down and the anesthesiologist asked me if I was ready to go off to la-la land and then I was off.

The next thing that I remember was waking up and seeing Dr. DeWire, Dr. Harrison (anes.), the nurse, and the friend that I brought with me. Dr. D. said that everything went well and he showed me some photos of myself (as I was already wrapped up) and said that he was able to do 325 cc's (yeah baby!). The nurse helped me get dressed and gave my friend some instructions. They wheeled me out to the car and tried to put the seatbelt on me (which I kept on all of 60 seconds).

Once back at the hotel I took my antibiotic and pain killer and quickly went to sleep. When I woke up my left boob was hurting a little, that was when I learned that ice was your friend. I'm not really in any pain now (just some tightness) and I don't have any nausea, but I don't want to jump the gun because I hear that the 2nd day is the worst. I have another appt. in the morning, so we'll see how it goes.

1 day post op
Mia -- Sunday, 14 March, at 5:56 p.m.

Just back from post op visit. Dr. DeWire took off the bandage and I finally got to see them, they look kind of high, but as expected. I still have feeling in my nipples (definitely a good thing), but the outsides are a little numb (he said that would probably happen). There are two small bruises at the bottom and the top of my right breast, but no real pain! He taught me how to massage them and told me not to get my blood pressure up for a couple of weeks. He also told me to get off the percocet and use Ibuprofen if needed, but I don't really need it (Thank God). I also got a goodie bag!

Pre-op visit
-- Wednesday, 17 March, at 3:10 p.m.

My posts will be a little out of order, as Mia beat me to the message board with hers.

I have been corresponding with Mia (who is from out of town) by e-mail, for several months, and have already reviewed a full set of her photos, as well as her medical history, and thus I feel that I already know her. She is healthy, a non-smoker, well-informed, and ready to proceed.

Pre-op exam showed Mia to be an excellent candidate for augmentation with nicely formed breasts, good symmetry, and a good amount of breast tissue already present (after all this is augmentation of what is already there to produce the nicest shaped results). Presence of adequate starting point breast tissue will allow those tissues to drape over the implants, hiding them, and also will provide the nice shape that is seen with augmentations that are of ideal size for the given patient. I explained to Mia that there is a range of volume that will work best for her, and that unique range is different for each patient, determined by body size, chestwall proportion, breast proportion, and existing breast tissue volume. The least effective volume will be the smallest amount that provides adequate filling of the tissues, and below which the shape may not be ideal. The greatest effective volume is the implant volume beyond which shape will become distorted, and final shape will suffer for the sake of being larger. I discuss this "zone" of effective augmentation volumes with each patient, as it relates to their unique starting point issues, and I generally recommend use of the largest effective volume for augmentation, since beyond that nerves and support tissues may be compromised, and issues like rippling, fake shape, and undue roundness tend to occur. She concurred with that approach. Lastly, Mia has a tendency to prominent breastbone with steep lateral slope of her chestwall, and mild chestwall asymmetry, causing her breasts to diverge outward, and thus has a bit less cleavage potential than if her chestwall projected mostly forward. This is a limitation that cannot be changed, but should not affect the final outcome. A reference to discussion of chestwall issues, as they impact cleavage potential, is found at the link that follows below. We are ready to proceed tomorrow.

Tom Dewire, MD

Cleavage Determinants in Breast Augmentation

Surgery Day
-- Wednesday, 17 March, at 5:54 p.m.

Mia did very nicely with the surgery today, and photos below show some views taken in my surgery center OR. 300cc Mentor smooth standard profile implants, filled to 325cc bilaterally were used, and the chestwall asymmetry has little impact on the anticipated final result, which should be a C cup. I will post photos in subsequent messages.

Cleavage Determinants in Breast Augmentation

Pre-op photo set
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 6:07 p.m.

Mia.s pre-op photo set is shown here, and documents the prominent breastbone, and mild asymmetry of lateral chestwall slopes, causing her left breast to look slightly more outward. More to follow regarding OR photos and post-op photos.

Implant sizer in place
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 7:27 p.m.

The photo below was taken a few minutes into the augmentation procedure, with a 275cc sizer, filled to 325cc, to allow confirmation of the implant volume that would fit the best, and provide the largest result while preserving the best shape without distortion. Note the fill tube and the small right axillary incision.


Implant sizer in place
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 7:31 p.m.

A view of the sizer from the foot of the bed shows the impact of this implant volume (though not the precise shape) relative to the left side with no implant.


Both implants in place
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 7:39 p.m.

This view from the foot of the operating table shows both implants in place, and the projection achieved, despite the prominent breastbone. 300cc Smooth Mentor Saline implants were chosen, and filled to 325cc bilaterally. The shape seen here is very close to what will be seen in the final result, but the muscle tightness and swelling that ensues after surgery will blunt the impact of the early results until the muscles and support tissues relax to accommodate the implants, and the swelling subsides to reveal shape detail over the next week, or longer. Another frontal view with the patient seated in the OR is found in the next post.


Both implants in place-seated in OR
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 7:43 p.m.

OR view to assess symmetry with Mia in the sitting position.

Axillary incision view
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 7:48 p.m.

View of axillary closure with both implants in place. The incision ends are marked by the blue suture ends protruding from the wound. Steri-strips will be placed over the wounds, and the sutures will be removed in the office at about 6 days post-op, or can be removed by the patient by simply removing the tapes and gently pulling one end of the suture to slide it out.


Post-op Day 1 Saturday AM in office
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 7:56 p.m.

Mia was seen for her first post-op visit the next day, as she has traveled from out of town for her surgery, and spent the night in a nearby hotel. She is doing well today, with only minimal bruising and pain. She does have tightness, as expected. Massage was started today, and will help now to relax her chestwall muscles, and in the long-term will maintain pocket geometry to prevent scar constriction and undue implant firmness. She will return home to MD today, and will return later in the week. A photo below shows her appearance at 24 hours, and shows the loss of shape detail associated with swelling of typical degree. The swelling is already settling to her stomach region, and will settle there to some degree before it resolves over 5-10 days She will keep in contact by e-mail, if she has questions.


Post-op Day 1
-- Thursday, 18 March, at 8:04 p.m.

A supine view of Mia on post-op day 1 shows the early swelling in contrast to the intraoperative view in the same position from yesterday. Because of her steep lateral chestwall slope, she will sleep in an underwire bra for several weeks to protect lateral support, but can go without a bra during the day due to the good lower pole muscle coverage provided by the axillary approach technique. Mia will return for suture removal in 5 days. More information on the muscle support with axillary technique is found at the link below. TMD

Anatomy of Chest Wall and Breast Implant Placement Over or Under the Muscle

Post-op day 6
-- Tuesday, 23 March, at 7:19 a.m.

Mia returned today for suture removal and a progress check. She is doing very nicely, her axillary incisions have healed beautifully, and shape and symmetry are coming along nicely. Because of the steep outward slope of her chestwall, she will need to sleep in an underwire bra for several weeks to help bolster the weaker lateral support tissues, and with that much slope I have recommended that she sleep with a stretch bra, when she is actually ready to close her eyes. Massage technique was checked and reinforced today. Her nipple and skin sensation is intact, there is no significant discomfort, and her pockets are patent, and her implants feel much softer. Mild swelling remains, and will quickly resolve. She has been at full activity (except for exercise) since her first post-op day, and will resume unrestricted exercise activity at two weeks post-op. I will see her again in 3-4 weeks. A photo set from today is posted below, and close ups of her axillary incisions on day 6 are found in the next post.

Tom DeWire

Cleavage Determinants in Augmentation Mammoplasty

Axillary incisions on Day 6
-- Tuesday, 23 March, at 7:21 a.m.

Closeup photos of Mia's right axilla show the status of the axillary incision at 6 days. They should virtually disappear.

Tom DeWire

Cleavage Determinants in Augmentation Mammoplasty

2nd post op appt
Mia -- Tuesday, 23 March, at 7:37 p.m.

I had my 2nd post op visit today (now 6 days post). Dr. DeWire removed the strings from the incision site, the scars looked really good (well, for scars). I'm doing very well, I've had a really easy recovery, almost NO PAIN (just a little tightness). But they're still numb on the outsides of both breasts and my nipples itch slightly. I haven't been able to sleep the whole night through yet either (I'm a stomach sleeper). Other than that, I'm loving them!

Mia-6 weeks composite photos
-- Thursday, 6 May, at 12:43 p.m.

Photos of Mia show her progress at 6 weeks post-op. Shape and symmetry are excellent, and she may go braless if she wishes. A stretch bra is necessary when she sleeps, due to the steep lateral slope of her chestwall, and the tendency of implants to stretch those lateral support tissues, but the lower pole muscle coverage, functioning like an internal bra, is very resistant to future stretch and bottoming-out. The link to a page on my website, discussing that issue, is found below. The next message shows the status of her axillary incision at 6 weeks post-op. She tells me that she is very pleased with her shape, proportion, and size.

Tom DeWire, MD

Anatomy of Chest Wall and Breast Implant Placement Over or Under the Muscle

Axillary incision at 6 weeks post-op
-- Thursday, 6 May, at 12:49 p.m.

A magnified and standard view of the axilla shows the status of Mia's left incision at 6 weeks. Minimal redness persists, and will rapidly fade. Mia will next be seen at 12 weeks, if she desires to make the trip from Maryland for further follow-up. The link below is connected to the breast augmentation information section of my website where you may review the concepts I used in Mia's augmentation surgery.

Tom DeWire, MD

- Mia

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